Together With Mead Johnson, Fireworks Solutions Is Happy To Present MomsApp; The Pregnancy Tool @ Your Fingertips

Whether you’ve just gotten pregnant, or have just given birth, MomsApp is there to help with useful tools and tips. It is a concise, practical yet functional app available in the palm of your hands at no charge!
As seen in the video above, Fireworks has created many intelligent modules for this app such as Labour Plan, Broadcast Message, Checklist, Knowledge, Doctor Appointments, Journal, Kick Counter, Share Parenting Joy, and Music. An example of one of those tools would be the Labour Plan that was created to ease expecting mothers via the Broadcast Message function. Pre-set information complete with a Google maps for directions of where the baby is being delivered and even a number to call for any answers, are sent out to the people of the parents’ choice.

Just in case, we even have tutorial videos with professional voice over to aid users, as Momsapp is catered for all levels of users.

We also created a microsite where users are able to refer to for more information and even to download on various different devices.

We got you covered:
It doesn’t matter if they’re using an iPhone 3, 4, 5, Android Phone, iPad or Android Tablets. We’ve got them all covered. We even prepared a QR code to snap, and be redirected to download the app making it easier for people to download the on the go. But fear not, we don’t just do digital, we’ve also got tangible. Alongside the microsite and the mobile app, we also assisted in creating many marketing materials for our clients.
Services by Fireworks:
Here at Fireworks, we are a 360 degrees agency who provides services such as Consultancy, Market Acquirement Strategy, Design & Development of Mobile App, Web Development, Content Writing, Video Productions, and Creative Services.
For More Info:
Find out more about the app at:
Or you can download it now for free and check it out for yourself on the Apple App Store and Google Play
If you would like to know more, feel free to contact us at