My Pushmore App Launched

Fireworks introduces a niftty App dedicated to all ye cross-fitters. Our first Social Fitness App.
My Pushmore app is a collaboration between a fore front Malaysian Crossfit Affiliate, PushMore Fitness Center, and ofcoz, Malaysian Top Mobile Apps Developer… Fireworks!
This app allows you to :
Track your Crossfit progress.
Submit your Daily WOD Score
Track your PR ( Personal Record )
Meet the Crossfit Community
Discuss and Chat about Crossfit Work Outs
Create you own work out.
Many cool stuffs coming soon!
Download it here :

About Pushmore :
As the pioneer CrossFit affiliate in Malaysia and South East Asia, we have created positive impact across thousands of lives since 2008. We continuously strive to deliver the best results for our clients and do this through high quality coaching and partnerships across Malaysia and the world. That is why our motto embodies the results we promise, which is for you to be Fitter, Faster, Stronger.
Check them out at