In Trend With Canon | Digital Marketing, Social Media, Facebook Applications

Project : Inrend With Canon
Client : Canon Malaysia
Objective : Increase Social Brand + Increase Social Activity from Canon DSLR Camera Users with Limited Time and Budget Action : Voting based Social Contest, that rides on existing Fan Base.
Result : 36,800 Likes, 12 Million Views, Increase of 210% of Social Buzz within 2 months Canon Malaysia needed a boost in social interaction among their digital community. They also needed to attract new fans and as well as increase their brand awareness within the Social Media Landscape.
Fireworks uses it’s Social Media Engine to quickly create a Campaign that based on few principles:
1) Easy to participate
2) Easy to compete
3) Highly Viral
4) Promotes brands awareness in daily social Buzz
How it works?
• Snap a photo of yourself or your friend posing with Canon camera strap.
• Make it as your profile picture. • Get those support in, share with your friends and family to collect more votes and WIN!
Simple isn’t it?
Simple this are made effective when your strategy is well planned, fused with experience in digital marketing psychology and sophisticated social technology.
As we always say “Look at the Fireworks in the sky. Beautiful, Magnificent, yet simple to operate – just light it up… and bam! … everyone stares in wonder. Yet not many knows how the alchemy of light, fire and creativity really works. Not everyone. But we know.”
Well done the Team at Fireworks Solutions.
Keep on inspiring,
Yanzer Lee
Director of Creative Technology